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The College offers many opportunities to those who have ambitions to pursue a variety of career goals or academic interests.

Archaeology (4th)

Archaeology is ideal for anyone with an interest in the past and is fascinated by monuments like Stonehenge and the Pyramids. We will look at various methods archaeologists use to discover the past and find out what they can reveal from the origins of humans to why Stonehenge was built. We also look at other debates in the archaeological world like the return of the Elgin Marbles. No previous experience or knowledge required, only if you are keen, you will love archaeology. If you particularly enjoy Archaeology, you can progress to an EPQ in the subject in year 2.

Aspirations and Vision (4th) 

This is an exciting programme of weekly events aimed at A level students with ambitious plans to study at some of the most prestigious universities, here or even abroad; we’ll certainly help you navigate the sometimes complex route into some of the most competitive degree courses, helping you understand and meet the challenges on the way. Anyone can join this programme: there’s no entry criteria beyond ambition.  It’s designed to suit the needs of students studying a wide variety of subject specialism, but if you want to study medicine, veterinary science or dentistry, you may find your needs better met by the specialist programme we offer in this area. There will be a mixture of talks and discussions, mini lectures, visits, advice, events and expert speakers; we’ll encourage you to attend various university events and take opportunities to develop your wider knowledge.  An excellent option for those who have big ambitions!

The Coffee Shop (4th) 

For centuries, thinkers have gathered in coffee shops to openly discuss the intellectual issues of the day. Our coffee shop aims to stimulate the same spirit of enquiry and debate.  We will cover a wide variety of topics and debates,  introducing you to a wide range of ideas. Some of these will link directly to A-level and university study, others will take your thinking where you never expected it to go. You will not be set homework, but we will often suggest further reading if you wish to pursue matters further. Come along on time and with an open mind and we will provide everything else.

Consolidation Course (Improving Subject Performance) (4th / Year 2)

The College offers a wide range of course consolidation courses aimed at improving subject performance in a range of subject areas. These courses are provided for second year students as they approach their final assessments and examinations.

Digital Skills Academy (4th)

As a Digital Skills Academy learner, you will be part of a community where you will be supported to complete online courses and join online training events. On programme completion, you will receive mini course completion certificates and gain industry- recognised awards that will help you stand out from the crowd. This is an online programme, with face-to-face support, open to all students. Sign up now to develop the skills required to be successful on your College course, at university and gain the digital skillset local employers are looking for!

Doctors, Dentists and Vets  (4th)

The Doctors, Dentists and Vets group helps students prepare for entry to University to study medicine, dentistry or veterinary science. These meetings are a vital part of the preparation for course application, interview and for the courses themselves. The meetings will provide help with UCAT and B-MAT, advice and guidance on personal statements and University choices. Each student will experience a mock individual and multi mini interview, they will have plenty of practice in the  meetings where we will prepare and discuss interview questions, ethical scenarios and current news. Additionally, students will benefit from meeting and listening to the experiences of qualified ex-students and guest speakers. All students hoping to apply for these courses must attend Medics additional study. Meetings take place on a weekly basis in both Year 1 and Year 2.

Employability Skills and Work experience (4th)

Employers, universities and other colleges are often looking for candidates who can demonstrate that they have done more than pass their exams! Employers, in particular, value strong transferable skills and relevant and current experience of ‘the world of work’. This course will initially be undertaken as a structured work preparation programme with the opportunity for students to develop their experience by applying for actual or virtual work experiences. A proactive approach is a must as students will take the lead in developing their employability skills and researching and applying for their own work experience opportunities. 

Enterprise (4th)

Enterprise is a course which develops the skills and mindset needed to make the most of life’s opportunities and challenges. Students will take part in a number of activities to prepare them for the Young Enterprise 10X Challenge. This is a national competition where the participants have four weeks to research, create, plan and run their own business with a £10 pledge. This additional course would suit anyone who is considering starting their own business in the future or if they are studying a Business, Accounting or Economics A Level. Enthusiasm and team work are essential!

Financial Life Skills  (4th )

This is an interesting practical course aimed at any student wanting to improve their understanding of personal finance.  You will learn about a wide range of products and how these can improve your financial literacy.  Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. When you are financially literate, you have the essential foundation for a smart relationship with money.  Below are some examples of what we will look at:

  • Different saving products
  • The difference between an overdraft, loan and credit card, with regard to borrowing
  • Understanding interest rates
  • Learn how to budget and how to deal with financial difficulties you may face.
  • Understand your earnings, how you are paid and what taxes you may have to pay.
  • Understanding Insurance e.g. Travel and Car Insurance
  • Learn about buying a house and this can be funded through a mortgage
  • Learn about renting and the financial aspects of that decision.
  • Where to look for financial advice

No prior knowledge is needed, and it’s one period a week, in a lunchtime.

Lawyers (4th)

Lawyers is a programme of learning and activities designed for students who are interested in a career in law. It is mainly aimed at student’s who are not studying A-level Law or B-TEC Applied Law. The course will cover the basics of the English legal system and looks at how the law is made and used! Core skills such as debating and public speaking will be covered via activities such as mock trials and presentations. Career paths will be considered including looking at the variety of legal professions and the availability of alternative training paths such as apprenticeships. Guidance will be given on personal statements, interviews and, where appropriate, the L NAT examination. A range of speakers will be invited, many of whom are former college students, to talk about their jobs and routes to their careers. Meetings will take place once a week

Library Champions (5th)

The College library runs a volunteering scheme for students who have a passion for books, information skills and giving back to the College community. You will have the opportunity to learn the role of a librarian and complete a number of our everyday tasks such as shelving, displays, stock selection and customer service. The library champions are invited to volunteer in the library around their timetable with no set hours for the role. Champions contribute ideas and enthusiasm into the library team, and help to ensure that the College library meets the needs of its student body. Previous experience is not necessary, and volunteering can be tailored to suit each student’s interests and strengths. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable employability and study skills for progression after College.

Mock Trial Competition (5th / Year 2)

Mock trials are an excellent way to boost skills for future legal careers. Opportunities to get involved with this group will be advertised at the end of Year 1, when the law department hosts its annual in house “law in action” week. This then leads on to the opportunity to apply to be part of the team for the national “Young Citizens” bar mock trial competition. The team meet weekly to rehearse and prepare for the regional heat, where students play the parts of barristers, witnesses, jurors, clerk and usher in real Crown courts. If successful in the regional heat there is a further competition for the national final.

Oxbridge Application support (5th / Year 2)

An extensive support programme is provided for students who are potentially interested in applying for degree courses at either the University of Oxford or University of Cambridge. The programme commences during the induction and enrolment periods for students wishing to receive specialist coursing advice. Throughout the first year of study a specialist team of staff provide briefings and general information, organise support from former students currently studying at Oxford and Cambridge, provide one to one support, guidance and advice, including helping students apply for conferences and study days. Subject support is also provided including support in preparation for the extra tests Oxford and Cambridge set for a number of chosen degree courses (taken in November). A visit to Cambridge during the Spring Term including Emmanuel College is organised. Students receive support throughout the application stage, as well as preparing them for the interviews in December. A Moodle Oxbridge facility is provided – and up to date and useful materials are regularly posted. All arts subject Oxbridge applicants are advised to undertake an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) towards the end of Year 1. Some Science applicants will also be advised to complete an EPQ. Any students wishing more details should speak to Ian MacNaughton (Principal) or Adam Bantick (regarding Arts applications) or Dan Stebbings (regarding STEM applications).

Pre-foundation Art (4th / Year 2)

This course is intended for A-Level Art and Design students who are planning to progress to Art and Design degree courses, through a Foundation course or direct entry. It will help prepare yourself and your art portfolio for entry to competitive courses either at foundation diploma level or degree level. We look at the careers and courses available in Art and Design and entry requirements. You will be given assistance with your foundation and degree applications alongside guidance on how to answer questions at interview about yourself and your art portfolio. We will also help you write your personal statement. Outside speakers include the current course leader for Foundation Diploma at Colchester Institute and ex-students who show their work and discuss their experiences. The course runs in parallel with the Art EPQ but you do not have to do the Art EPQ and Pre Foundation together. It is solely aimed at those students who do Fine Art, Photography, Graphics or Textiles A-Levels. No special equipment or materials are needed.

Teaching (Primary and Secondary Schools) (4th)

The college offers two individual strands in its programme designed to support those who wish to consider a career in teaching or related professions:

Primary teaching – as part of the weekly programme, we hope to arrange work experience at a local primary school. Sessions will also consider choices regarding university courses and what individual options entail. Other sessions will consider a range of teaching strategies and other issues related to the development of a career in teaching.

Secondary Teaching (and beyond) -  weekly sessions will consider the development of teaching skills, including lesson planning, behaviour management and questioning techniques; many activities are linked to the Initial Teacher Training Framework that governs teaching standards. There will also be the chance for our students who want to be primary teachers to drop in on some of the sessions that they may find useful. 

UCAS Application support (5th / Year 2)

All students who are making higher education applications will be fully supported by a range of experienced college staff. In the summer term of the first year, the ‘Progression Event’, includes advice from experts in applying for higher education courses and sessions on topics such as ‘writing a personal statement’ and an induction to the UCAS website. During the UCAS application process, extensive support is available from personal tutors, senior tutors, the careers team and our dedicated UCAS administration staff to ensure that students make a highly effective application. There are higher education briefing meetings for parents in the spring of the first year and May of the second year which are advertised in our newsletter. Get Communicating Whether it’s in a different language, on the radio, or in a formal debate, the college offers plenty of opportunities to sharpen up your communication skills.

(IMAGE – 2 female students using microphones mounted on stands)

The Youth STEMM Award (YSA) (4th)

The Youth STEMM Award (YSA) is an achievement-based award for students in Years 1 and 2 and is designed to support and inspire the next generation of STEMM professionals. This award enables students to further their passion, knowledge and skills in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine). Each student, supported by the STEMM coordinator, sets personal goals and monitors their progress through to the completion of the award. Students are encouraged to regularly articulate and share their personal journey at the weekly meeting. Students initially embark on a Bronze Award and progress onto Silver and Gold Awards. To be eligible for this additional study, students must be enrolled on a minimum of two STEM-related subjects. Why should you do the Youth STEMM Award? The YSA is an excellent way to enrich your CV when applying to university to study a STEMM-related discipline. The STEMM Award boosts confidence and encourages students to identify areas in which they need further development, such as skills related to engaging the public, which requires students to demonstrate the use of social media or technology and deliver events to connect with the broader community. This award expands STEM skills and provides evidence of experience developed in and beyond the curriculum, which can be used to secure work experience and to support university and apprenticeship applications. Students exercise and develop communication and collaborative skills by working with their peers and acting as STEM role models at College and in the wider community What does it involve? Participants log STEMM-related activities across four core strands: Inspiring the next generation; Engaging the public; Developing skills and knowledge; Shaping your future. Many of these activities can be covered by work undertaken for STEM-related courses and by researching and applying to university courses. In addition, you will have the opportunity to engage with scientists and learn first-hand what is required to become a successful STEMM professional. Furthermore, you will have the chance to interact with students inside and outside of the College in the role of mentors and by running/ assisting in STEMM related activities. You will underpin your core subject knowledge and understanding by completing independent research projects like an EPQ. There is also the opportunity to attend a conference at the UEA showcasing the work of STEMM professionals and your own research projects (if desired), giving you the chance to develop your presentation skills and network with professionals. The award is assessed by logging activities to the YSA website, which will then be verified by your assessor at College. Once completed, the portfolio of activities is then moderated by the team at YSA, and, if successful, you will be invited to the annual awards ceremony, where you will receive your medal and certificate. Please note, there is a cost of £12 to cover external administration. Time table commitment: one lunch time per week.