Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The College is a diverse, international and multicultural community, and promoting, celebrating and valuing diversity and ensuring equality, is at the heart of all we do.  We continue to work together to create an inclusive learning environment in which everyone is valued as an individual, has an equal opportunity to participate, and is treated with dignity, fairness and respect, based solely on merits, abilities and potential.

Equality of opportunity is everybody’s right, and is a central aim of the College for all staff, students, governors and other stakeholders. The Equality and Human Rights Commission describes equality as: ‘Ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.’ In other words, equality means ensuring everyone has equal opportunities, receives fair, non-discriminatory treatment and the support they need to fulfil their potential.

We are aware that there are many barriers to true equality, and that individuals may be disadvantaged because of their race, age, sex, gender, religion or belief (including lack of belief), disability or sexual orientation. The College is also mindful of the socio-economic, cultural, psychological and experiential factors which can affect our students, including those who are looked after, or who are carers themselves. In addition to the implementation of policies, we continue to take positive College-wide action to tackle the particular disadvantage, or different needs of certain students, by targeting resources and putting in place additional, or bespoke provision to support all our students.

Our Shared Values encompass our determination to ensure that all members of the College have an equal opportunity to maximise their potential, are valued equally and are treated with respect.  We seek to ensure that in respect of both employment and education, all are provided in an environment in which diversity is valued. Every member of the College community has a responsibility for promoting Our Shared Values in all aspects of College life. 

The College recognises the importance of the active promotion of fundamental British values in all we do. The values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs, are complemented by Our Shared Values. We actively celebrate, value and promote diversity, advancing equality and eliminating unlawful prejudice, harassment, victimisation and discrimination. The College is opposed to discrimination of any form, and is committed to the protection of its members from such unlawful activity.

This commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion underpins and influences all areas of College life:

  • We will ensure that our recruitment and admissions policies encourage applications from under-represented sectors of the local community.

  • We will ensure that our practices actively foster access to the College and support all our students to attain successful outcomes and progress to higher education or employment commensurate with their ambitions, interests and abilities. 

  • We will monitor the engagement and achievement of minority and minoritized groups of both staff and students within the College community, including, but not limited to, all those with protected characteristics.

  • We will identify, analyse and seek to address any gaps or disparities. We understand the potential impact of economic disadvantage on educational and employment opportunities.

  • We will work to redress inequality, seeking to improve the life chances of young people from under-represented and disadvantaged groups in our community and promote social mobility, by providing our students with opportunities to gain additional skills and experience, alongside the opportunity to achieve high quality, relevant qualifications.

  • We will develop further our partnerships other education providers, employers, safeguarding partners and community groups and we will play a full and active role in our local community.

  • We will continue to liaise closely with local schools to ensure those from under-represented and disadvantaged groups in our community achieve fair access to our services.

  • We will ensure that the College website and other communications are accessible and inclusive in nature.

  • The College will continue to work with community partners in a full and active way to ensure it plays its part in achieving the broad objectives of the local community. These will include (but not exclusively) such issues as climate change, sustainability, safety, freedom of speech and inclusivity. 

  • Within College, we will strengthen mechanisms to promote equality, diversity and inclusion, creating new staff and student groups to champion these issues across the College.

  • The College’s Statement of Commitment and Our Shared Values were produced in partnership with the Staff EDI Working Group, the Student EDI Committee, the EDI Steering Group, and the Student Council.  


Supported by the following documents:

  • Disability Statement
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health
  • Harmful Sexual Behaviour
  • Health and Wellbeing Statement
  • HR Strategic Plan
  • Our Shared Values
  • Protection from Bullying and Harassment Policy

EDI evident in:

  • Annual Pastoral Report
  • Departmental SARs
  • College Strategic Priorities
  • Human Resources Strategic Plan
  • Contributions to the staff and student handbooks
  • Whole College SAR
  • INSET programme and whole staff training
  • Teaching & Learning SAR
  • Termly and annual reports on Bullying and Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviour

What to do if things go wrong

If you feel that you have experienced unfair treatment, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation or abuse then please raise the matter with a member of staff e.g. your Personal Tutor, Senior Tutor or the Assistant Principal (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion). We will treat the incident seriously and do what we can to resolve the issue. If necessary, you can make a formal complaint. If you wish to do so, please contact the Assistant Principal (Complaints) via the General Office.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion information

If you would like more information regarding our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies and provision, please visit our course on Moodle or contact Clarissa Ford, Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator

Downloadable Reports

Please use the links below to view/download any of our Equality and Diversity reports. You will need to have an application installed on your system capable of opening and reading PDF files such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Download EDI annual report 2021-22 edited March23

Download EDO interim report 2020-2021

Download EDO interim report 2019-2020

Public Sector Equality Duty Statement

The College has made available for the benefit of parents and students a variety of policy documents: Admissions Policy; Promotion of Racial Equality; Bullying and Harassment, amongst others.